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  The Lawinter World Group is a pioneering open-access review for the publication of knowledge and commentary on Law, International Law, and International Relations.

  It has been online and freely available since 2001 (lawinter.com).

  Founded to present an opportunity to students access the pedagogical materials of international law, linking cutting edge international law with “today’s classroom”, Lawinter has become a connection center for scholars around the world in various branches of Law and International Relations.

  The global reach of Lawinter is achieved through its online presence, the high caliber of its contributors, authors, and editors.

  More recently, Lawinter World Group included the publication of Books from Swiss and United States to the world.

  Lawinter Review and Lawinter Editions warmly welcome submissions of high-quality, including articles, Books, essays, case-notes, comments, and reviews, which focus on Law, International Law, and International Relations.  Lawinter Review and Lawinter Editions publish in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese.

  Send all inquiries to:







LAWINTER REVIEW, ISSN 2153-4020, New York (United States of America) and Zürich (Switzerland), is currently accepting submissions for publication.


submission by e-mail: review@lawinter.com



  • LAWINTER REVIEW is a triple-blind peer-reviewed journal.

  • The Editors receive articles with the understanding that the contents are original, unpublished material and have not been submitted for publication elsewhere, accompanied by a brief author´s profile note.

  • The general deadline for a contribution to be considered for publication in the forthcoming issue is the 10th of the preceding month (i.e. 10 August for the September Issue). However, exceptional deadlines are arranged with authors on an individual basis.

  • Authors must submit their texts as an email attachment, saved in MS Word format, in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese.

  • Authors are solely responsible for content of both text and footnotes.

  • The shipment of an article for publication implies the authorization for publication in LAWINTER REVIEW, and consequent online availability, without paying for them, in view of LAWINTER REVIEW´s scientific nature.

  • The editors reserve the right to edit the format of contributions, to promote the standardization of all articles published. (Calibri 12, with 1,5 space)





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